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A starting number of 1 and a spacing of 10, the default, will create ID numbers of 10, 20, 30, etc. If everything is correct, type ENTER. BoardBuilder will build a TDBS database as well as a text file called BOARDLST.TXT. It is a good idea to print out the text file as it will make it easier later as you Edit/Add Boards. * Key Concept -> BoardMaster's numbering scheme goes to 9999. This means that when you decide on your board spacing you must first consider the number of boards you have in CEDIT * the spacing multiplier. In other words, if you have 63 boards defined in CEDIT, you cannot use a spacing of 1,000 because 1,000 * 63 = 63,000 which would exceed 9999 and produce an error. A spacing of 100, however, would work just fine as 100 * 63 = 6300 which is well below 9999. If you had 32 boards in CEDIT, a spacing multiplier of 20 would work fine as 32 boards * 20 = 640. Step 2. Add the Boardmaster menu entry to one of your menus. To start with we will only use BoardMaster's internal mail commands, so no parameters/switches are necessary in the Opt Data Line. Later, you may wish to add BoardMaster's external Message Menu capability as well (This is discussed completely in the Install document). Menu Command Example: Entry: essage Boards Key=M Type=200 Opt Data = C:\TBBS\BRDMASTR\BRDMASTR /Q Step 3. Logon to your system with a priv level of 255 and execute the BoardMaster Program. Select Sysop Functions. Step 4. Select New User Default PMG (Personal Message Group). This allows you to define the default PMGs for new users. Personal Message Groups allow users to group together boards for combined reading. Each user may have up to 54 PMGs with up to 20 boards in each PMG. The Default PMGs you will set up should contain the Boards that you definitely want a new user to see such as EMAIL, LOUNGE, etc. The first time a user selects PMG from the main menu the default PMGs will be added as their first entry. It will also serve as a guide for users as they set up their own PMGs later. You may add up to 54 Default PMGs, each containing 20 boards/topics Step 5. When BoardBuilder built the database it used the CEDIT name of each board as that Board's Description. You may change this description to make it more meaningful such as 'LOUNGE' to 'Relaxing in the Lounge'. Use the List Boards command to see the Board ID numbers or use the File BOARDLST.TXT that you printed out in Step 2. and then select a Board to Edit. Step 6. You may also now add sub-topics. BoardBuilder will have already added the Topic Roots that were defined in CEDIT. You may now Add Topic Boards using an existing Root and subtopic to any depth. To do this, Give it a unique ID number, any description you want, the EXACT CEDIT ROOT and subtopic hierarchy. Say "Yes" to internal Mail and "No" to security. Tab down until you reach the Switches. These allow you to specify any special switches you want to use with this board for reading, scanning, etc. All TBBS mail Switches are supported and are defined in the TBBS manual on pages 6-13 to 6-15. If you built the database from QSO.CTL or TIMS.CTL the subtopics were added automatically. Step 7. Now you should Specify Colors that BoardMaster will use. It is best if you use a background color that matches your system's background as this will provide a very consistent look and feel as users move around. This is not necessary, however, as when BoardMaster 'shells' out to TBBS it will first do a clear based on your system's default color. BoardMaster comes pre-configured to match a system with a black background. Step 8. While you are in the Sysop menu, Build the Type 20 index. This will build the index file for IMB searches. You are now up and running. You should return to the main user menu and use some of BoardMaster's Individual Message Board and Personal Message Group capabilities. After you have 'toured around' for awhile you should take the time to read the full installation document so you can take advantage of BoardMaster's full power. This is important as there are features discussed in that document which were not covered here. Some things you may want to modify are: The Help Menu and files, which are accessed from the main menu, and may be modified with any text editor. Conference 'Rules' files. These are text files that may be displayed by the user when he is in the Individual Message Board Menu. They are defined when you add/edit a message board and may be unique for each conference or, if the file name is left blank, defaulted to a generic file. BoardMaster's Colors Menus, Prompts and Command Keys Internal or External Menus for the Internal BoardMaster menus Use of EasyMail for Mail Creation, PostMaster Mailer Reading/Mailing. Board Descriptions, ID Numbers, Switches, etc. The New User Default Personal Message Groups Security, on a board by board basis or All Off Categories Menu Banners Add QSO/TIMS 1.1/PostMaster/EasyMail BounceBack (described in the main install document) --------------------> End of Fast Install <-------------------